My Woodworking Blog - 1/1/2006 THROUGH 6/30/2006
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June 21, 2006: It seems that (for now anyway) the leak in the planer gearbox has stopped. After tightening the case bolts there's no more dripping. I haven't needed to use it extensively since the latest leak, so I'm not sure that it's gone for good yet. But my fingers are crossed. June 12, 2006: After I finished giving the planer a good workout I discovered the telltale small puddle of oil under the gearbox. Bad words were said, and dreams of a lathe upgrade were dashed in an instant. It doesn't appear to be leaking from the same oil seal as before, but it's difficult to pinpoint the source this time. It appears to be coming from the gasket joint, so I tightented the bolts and cleaned up the drips. I don't have much confidence, but I'm hopeful that fixes it. If not a serious look at the tool budget is on tap to see if I can swing a Byrd head with a new non-leaking gearbox. June 5, 2006: Since finishing the bench cabinet I've been piddling with a few small projects. I wanted to get a few boxes out of the way (literally) that have been partially completed for a long time (some over a year). So I finished up two bandsaw boxes and a set of shaker oval boxes. I have pics online but I haven't yet updated the gallery pages of this site (another item for my to do list). I've also started to clean up the shop a bit with a few minor improvement actions. Small stuff like organizing my cordless tools (drills/drivers, trim saws, etc) and chargers. Also extended my clamp rack due to some good Bessey sales at Amazon and relocated my drill press in anticipation of a future lathe upgrade. I'm just about done piddling and am anxious to start the blanket chest in earnest. May 24, 2006: Next up is a blanket chest for our youngest daughter. It will be roughly in the Shaker style with through dovetailed corners and one drawer on the bottom. Probably close to Moser's but I'll use my own spin on things to match the other furniture in her room. I might try to sneak in a quick re-do of my lathe tool rack and/or my clamp rack to accomodate some new tools, or I might do those during glue-ups or other "downtime" in the blanket chest project. We'll see..... May 15, 2006: On another note, I'm now reading the new 2nd revision of Flexner's Understanding Finishing. His first edition has been my finishing bible for a long time, and believe it or not the second edition is even better. It's the first book I recommend when it comes to learning finishing (although the Jewitt Taunton book is also very good). Recommended. My wife recently bought a new DVD recorder for our kids home movies, and I've been using it to log all the NYW episodes I have on tape and transfer them to DVD. I'm currenlty at something like 138 out of 210 total episodes. We went on a NYW taping binge in the late 90's, but we got away from it in the early 00's and so we're missing a lot of those years. Now that Nahm's not being repeated on HGTV I'm not sure if/when I'll ever get them captured, but I'll be on the lookout. Thanks to a friend with satellite TV I already have most of David Marks' Woodworks show on DVD, and those are generally excellent programs as well. Great resources to have on hand! Apr 24, 2006: Apr 18, 2006: Apr 11, 2006: Mar 27, 2006: SWMBO has asked for a shelf for our laundry room and has bumped it to the top of the project list. I was able to get it put together out of leftover cherry and got a coat of stain on it last night. I HATE staining cherry but I had to match the color of some other cabinets in the room. All that remains is a few coats of varnish, so it should be hung on the wall within a few days, then onto bigger/better things. Mar 20, 2006: I took some time on Sunday to work on a new storage cabinet for my tablesaw blades. I've had them stacked under my extension table, and it will be nice to get them somewhere more convenient. It's done except for the "drawer" pulls, and I should have it hung on the wall the next time I get down to the shop. Next up is a simple laundry room shelf for SWMBO, and then I'll either work on the cabinet for my bench base or a blanket chest. Mar 13, 2006: Mar 6, 2006: Now that the planer is repaired (and appears to be holding oil without any leaks) I was also able to get the shop back together. While I was at it I also changed out a 220V receptacle to a duplex and added a link belt to the bandsaw. It's nice to have things back to normal and ready for use. Feb 28, 2006: While the planer was down waiting for parts I did a bunch of maintenance work to other tools in the shop. I finally got the oil changed in my air compressor and I redirected it's water drain piping to a 2 liter soda bottle to better contain the oily mess. I also tore down the bandsaw and tried to tweak things to remove a bit of its vibration. I'm anxious to bet back to woodworking now, and I'll be starting on the framed mirror at my next chance. Feb 20, 2006: This weekend I sold the G1018HW jointer and took delivery of a new G0490 jointer. There was really nothing wrong with the G1018HW, but when the 490 came out this year for only $750 I thought I'd try to get one. In conversations with Grizzly it was confirmed that this jointer comes off the same manufacturing lines as the DJ-20, but it costs about 1/2 the Delta and it has some nice "upgrades" (pedestal switch, built-in mobile base, 3 Hp motor, etc). I'm not thrilled about the 4-knife cutterhead, but other than that I'm happy with the jointer. The parallelogram tables adjust smoothly and easily, and that should make depth changes a bit faster than my previous jointers. The long infeed table will come in handy, and the outfeed is basically the same length as the G1018HW. I'll need to run a few boards across it to solidify my opinions, but for now I'm pleased. Feb 13, 2006: Feb 7, 2006: The two nightstands are 95% completed. The carcases are glued up and ready for sanding/planing. The drawers are assembled and fit, although I need to attach the fronts and tweak the reveals. I wrote a bare-bones article on how I make dovetails for some of the folks in our local club and posted it here. The tops are glued up and cut to size, but I still need to plane them flat and route the edge profiles. I had an issue with the tops warping a bit after glue-up, so I routed a couple kerfs in the undersides so that I can pull them flat when they're attached to the carcase. I should only need a few more hours to complete the woodworking, then it will be finishing time for a few days. After our first daughter my shop time was dramatically reduced, and it's already apparent that I'll be spending even less time there now that our second is here. I'm really missing the hours I used to get, but at the same time my children will only grow up once and I don't want to miss it. Sigh.... Jan 23, 2006: Got started in earnest on the nightstands over the weekend. I have the two carcases glued up, the blanks for the tops are done, and I have most of the moldings cut. The rest should go fairly quickly since we decided not to enclose the base behind a door. I'll need to get the planer gearbox leak fixed before I start on the blanket chest since I'm running out of surfaced cherry - not looking forward to that repair at all. Jan 20, 2006: We had our monthly SEMIWW meeting last night. It was another very informative demo, and we had a strong turnout. I wasn't able to con someone into taking over the "Presidency", so I'll have to work on a Plan B. I'm not sure if I'll finish the nursery nightstands next, or if I'll take a week or so and finish the base cabinet for my bench. I'd like to get them both done soon, but the nightstands are probably the more pressing of the two. It seems with every project that gets checked off the list two or three more take its place. I guess that's a good problem to have though. Jan 16, 2006: The dresser now has a coat of 1# blonde shellac to prevent blotching, 3 coats of Waterlox Sealer/Finish, and 1 coat of a 50-50 mix of Waterlox satin and Waterlox S/F. The shellac was padded on, the Waterlox S/F was brushed, and I added about 10% mineral spirits to the final coat so that I could wipe it on without any risk of brush marks, bubbles, or fat edges. I lightly wet-sanded with mineral spirits and 320 paper on a rubber sanding block to level and imprefections prior to the final coat. Once the final coat is dry I'll check to see if it has the right amount of gloss and clarity, and make any necessary adjustments before installing the hardware and snapping pics. It should be in place in the nursery within a few days max. Finally. Jan 11, 2006: The PC monitor died from dust exposure last weekend - the second in two years to explode. This time I bought a new LCD monitor on sale, and I intend to build some sort of filtered surround to keep the dust from this one. I set it up the other night, and it's amazing how much better the screen looks (brighter, better contrast, etc) and the LCD screens take up so much less space. Hopefully this one lasts a long time. Jan 9, 2006: Also started on the final planing of the dresser top. The glue-up looks good, and I'm happy with my selection of boards. I've got a nice theme going with some of the circular grain. I might be the only one to notice it, but I'm happy with it nonetheless. I had a moment of stupidity last night while planing the top. I was working away with a jack plane and ran the front corner of the plane right smack into one of my holdfasts. I was using battens and thought I had plenty of runoff space for the planes, but noooooo. Worse yet, after I smacked the hook I cussed to myself but just kept planing. I didn't realize until I had a nice long gouge in the top that I raised a burr on the front corner of the plane, and it scraped a nice long divot. Doh - bad words were said! A fine mill file removed the burr, and a lot more planing removed the gouges. I'll chalk it up to a lesson learned. Jan 8, 2006: I've got the dresser to the point where I just need a few subtle tweaks to get to the finishing stage. The base and top molding is complete, and the drawers are all installed and fit. Getting the reveals set properly was time-consuming as usual, and a bit of play in the drawer slides didn't help. I should start finish planing/sanding tonight (assuming I get some time in the shop), then do the final planing of the top (that's always the very last thing I do), and be ready for shellac and varnish some night this week. While waiting for some of the molding to be run, I was able to finally get some sharpening and cleanup done in the shop. I've had a few lathe tools and a new plane iron awaiting sharpening for some time, and I also needed to get my sharpening station re-done since I got a new grinder and wolverine jig for Christmas. Also got my air hose re-hung, and recovered from a few other domino affects from when I had to make room for the TwinTwin bench. It's great to have the shop coming back together in relative order. I'll be working on a complete re-vamp of my on-line shop tour in the next couple months. Jan 2, 2006: Grizzly released their new catalog today, and we now have some details on a few new tools we've been anticipating. An 8" paralellogram jointer and a 20" lathe are tops on my list. The jointer looks to be a DJ20 clone, and I'm told they're made in the same factory. The 20" lathe is a bit dissapointing due to it's odd spindle size, poor speed range, lack of outboard capability, and inacessable spindle. Might need to keep saving for a PM or General. Feedback:
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