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Christmas Lanterns (1999)

I started these projects in December 1998 intending to give them as presents for Christmas of 1998. Ended up finishing them on Christmas eve 1999 - just in time to give them away over a year late.

LOML saw the plans for these in Woodsmith magazine, and fell in love with them. They are made of maple and birch plywood. There were 4 different panel plans, the three shown here are a candle, an outdoor snow scene, and a stocking hung from a mantle (from left to right).

These projects were very enjoyable except for the scrollsaw work. It just got very tedious making many panels of each of the 4 designs. My wife helped with the scrollsawn panels (thanks!). Finish is Danish oil. The light in the inside does a great job of illuminating the plywood cutouts with rice paper backing to diffuse the light. Very nice project. The recipients seem to enjoy them too!

© Copyright 2006 Chris Billman