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Turned Bowls and Hollow Forms
Click on any of the thumbnail pics in the table below
for a full size image along with some explanatory text about the piece.
Vessels are listed from newest on the top of the page to oldest on
the bottom.
|  Walnut, 2010 | |  Honey Locust, 2010 |  Maple, 2010 |  Maple, 2010 |

Maple, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Walnut, 2007 |

Maple, Cherry, Birch, Walnut, 2007 |

Maple, Cherry, 2007 |

Maple, Cherry, 2007 |

Walnut, 2007 |

Honey Locust, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Ash, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |
Walnut, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Cherry Burl, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Walnut, 2007 |

Mulberry, 2007 |

Walnut, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Mystery Wood, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Maple & Tulipwood, 2007 |

Ash, 2007 |

Maple, 2007 |

Cherry, 2007 |

Cherry, 2006 |

Mahogany, 2006 |

Spalted Maple, 2006 |

Cherry, 2006 |

Cherry, 2006 |

Ash, 2006 |

Ash, 2006 |

Walnut & Maple, 2006 |

Cherry, 2005 |

Crabapple, 2005 |

Cherry, 2005 |
Some of my earlier (and uglier...)
bowls can be seen in this
semi-embarrassing page.
© Copyright
2010 Chris Billman