One of My Favorite Cartoons:
I keep the cartoon
shown below hung on the wall in my shop. It tends to keep things in
proper perspective. This hobby is supposed to be fun!
Comments about this web site:
I thoroughly enjoy
woodworking, and I also enjoy building and updating this site. It
provides me a place to catalog finished pieces, tool reviews, ww links,
and other opinionated mumbo-jumbo. I've also heard from many
woodworkers that it's provided them with a bit of guidance, and that's
fantastic. Feel free to send
me an email with any comments or criticism (constructive or
otherwise) about this site. I love hearing from visitors.
Another motive for this site is to maintain a database
pictures of my tools for insurance purposes. My ISP has a good backup
program, and I know that if anything ever happens to my house the
pictures will still be available for assistance with insurance claims.
This site contains no advertising. Zero. Zip. Zilch.
None of my work is for sale, and I have no plans to go pro or do any
major commissions, so there are no ulterior motives in these pages. You
can browse without fear of being sold something blatantly or
I personally created this site entirely using Notepad
for html
authoring. I know barely enough to build basic web pages, but I find
them much cleaner than my initial attempts with Front Page, Word, and
other canned html authoring tools. You won't find any fancy java
encoding, animations, or pop-ups here - partly because I don't know how
to do that stuff and partly because I want this site to be simple and
straightforward. Lately I've been using an open source
program called Nvu to update the site, and I'm
finding it to be very handy (and very free!).